Sunday, April 6, 2014

Enough Parking Space now at BRTC

When we worked at BRO in mile 3 Nkwen, there was hardly enough parking space and staff will have to park their cars outside and sometimes along the highway which was a bit dangerous. Now at the new site, there is enough parking space.

Language Technology Consultant Training (LTCT) 2014

March 30 to April 5th 2014 was another opportunity for Language Technology Specialists and Consultants from 8 African countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Tchad, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya) to get together in their anual training event - Language
Technology Consultant Training (LTCT). It was a wonderful time of fellowship and sharing as we all learned from one another as we shared the challenges and successful that we face in doing our job. This is also a time to discuss what is new in available language software area. A time of problem solving and working as in team in learning how to use language software and how to train language software users back in our entities. One thing stands out in this training event - As Language Technology Specialists and Consultants our goal in learning about language technology is so that we can train and build capacities of language workers in the area of Language Software Technology so that Linguist, Translators, Literacy Personnel, Multilingual Education Personnel, Scripture Use Personnel etc etc can do their work well to the Glory of God.