Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New year? No not really

On a new year day, it is common to hear everyone saying happy new year!, bonne annee! For us in our neighborhood in Mbessi-Nkwen, Bamenda the year began in an somewhat different way. We woke up this morning 01 Jan. right into a terrifying scene in our neighborhood. My next house neighbor - a police officer was attacked when he woke up and opened his door. He managed to escape at gun point shouting for help. Other neighbors already traumatized with what they saw, quickly alerted us. Just as we were talking, we heard gunshots not very far from us and we were really terrified not sure if the worst might have happened. Looking over our fence, I could see someone destroying the car belonging to the policeman. Since they could not get a hold of him, they took his wife away. The policeman later came back with his colleagues, observed the environment?? and took his damaged car away. One hour later, the boys (separatists) came back again in their numbers all armed and were angry that the vehicle was taken away. There are gunshots just around us as I am writing so the atmosphere is quite tensed for us. Please pray for peace and calm for our neighborhood. I managed to get a few photos.